About Us

It is the purpose of the Southern California District Council 67th Episcopal District, the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World to establish greater fellowship and understanding among the ministers, workers and churches of like faith; advance’ the Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ; to establish and aid the churches in every way possible, and to foster and maintain the high standard of holiness set by our Lord Jesus Christ as revealed in the scriptures.
Our Story
Fifty days after the Passover on which Jesus our Lord had shed his own blood for the sins of the world, the church began, Pentecost had fully come. As slaves were freed, debts were forgiven and all persons were to rejoice, so those who were held captive by sin were freed. Jesus had paid the debt and sent his spirit into their hearts. Their joy was full. It was Pentecost! The Holy Ghost filled each worshipper and they spoke in other tongues and magnified God. That day the doors of the Kingdom were opened and three thousand souls entered by being baptized in water in Jesus’ Name and being filled with the Holy Ghost (Acts 2:38-47). From that day until now, the church has been doing business for the king.
When difficulty was encountered, the first council met in Jerusalem, James being the chairman (Acts 15). Through the years, periodic outpourings of the spirit have occurred, and always, problems have been encountered.
In August, 1937, a group of ministers, headed by Bishop Samuel Grimes of New York City, Presiding Bishop of the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World (PAW), met with a local group of Californians to form a continuation of the same council functions, under the banner of “California State Council.” Years later, with the annexation of the State of Nevada, the name was changed to “California District Council.” Now the great state is facing another historical landmark. California has now expanded into three separate Dioceses. Today, the Southern California District Council is not only an integral part of its parent organization, but is privileged to function in the western district as an autonomous corporation under the laws of the great state of California. In this dual capacity, the Southern California District Council reaches out to better serve its adherents and to faithfully augment and prosper the far reaching work of the national organization, The Pentecostal Assemblies of the World